Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Review of lash extensions at HighBrow (part 1)

Bought the Groupon deal at $42 for Full Eyelash Extensions + Touch Up. Arrived punctually for my appointment and I was promptly whisked off to start my lash extensions. Therapist kindly informs that I have to pay $3 for the eye masks which is necessary for them to proceed with the lash extensions.

Extensions done up nicely, in my opinion, thicker and longer than my prior extensions done at Dreamlash and Lolita The Beauty Studio. I was very impressed at how much more awake and alert I look with the lash extensions, not to mention my "zhng-ed" eyes definitely appeared more lively than it naturally is.

Before leaving, therapist reminded me of the steps to take care and prolong the lifetime of the extensions, most importantly being to avoid oil-based make-up removers. My usual remover from Biore is oil-based, later on that evening I purchased a water-based cleanser from Sephora, hoping that my efforts at taking care of the lashes will help to maintain it at its optimal condition.

Dipped cotton buds into the water-based cleanser and painstakingly started removing the eyeliner I had on like how the therapist had instructed. Even when showering, I avoided pointing the shower-head at my face. Unfortunately, right after showering I noticed the extensions on my right eye has fallen off significantly, such that there was a noticeable "hole" along my lash line.

The following day, I contacted HighBrow because I was bewildered at how the extensions could have detached themselves so quickly in less than 24hrs from my lash extension treatment, without hesitation they offered me a free touch-up as part of sales recovery (impressive service!). I was genuinely taken aback and very delighted. The touch-up restored my extensions back to its glorious form.

Unfortunately, my happiness did not last long as the extensions started falling off within days, at one week old my extensions already appear sparse and in dire need of a touch-up. Needless to say, I am looking forward to the touch-up session on 21 Jan!

Photo taken fresh after the extensions were done (7 Jan)

After shower. Look at where the red arrow is pointing (7 Jan)

After touch-up (8 Jan)

Extensions at 1 week old


HAZEL said...

Would u recommend highbrow for eyelash extensions?

HAZEL said...

Would u recommend highbrow then? Since they drop off rather easily

Peipeipeipei said...

Hi Hazel,

If I paid a Groupon price for Highbrow then yes I would recommend them for a trial.

If I were to pay the ala carte price for such short-lived extensions then no, I will not recommend.

But I must mention that perhaps I did not take great care of the extensions hence leading to their short lifespan.